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All brands below are a trademark of friendmade® GmbH,
under the registered friendmade® brand name.

Pitch for
brand value

Add brand credibility
and company value
at an early stage.

We like great ideas and love to take part in the adventure of making them big. This is why offer our brand services & experience to a selected number of startup businesses on a ‘no gain no pay‘ basis. Add maximum brand value at an early stage for powerful investor negotiations and a strong market entry.

"Brand is among the most valuable financial assets of modern corporations. It contributes more to shareholder value creation than any other asset – tangible or intangible."

Warren Buffet

"Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business."

Steve Forbes

How does it work?

You have an exceptional business idea – we add extraordinary brand value. Investor Capital always searches for unique ideas and… brand potential. Professional branding adds long-term value and is able to grow with your business. Building a professional brand requires an adequate budget, however startups often need their total capital to invest in the realisation of the idea itself. 

We have a background of 15 years experience in creating brands from scratch, accompany the capital process and the successful market entry. We like great ideas and we like to be part of the adventure to make them big. This is why we came up with „Pitch for Brand Value“ to offer our experienced brand services for selected businesses on a ‘no gain, no pay’ basis, for a percentage in partnership. 


A professional, consistent branding adds brand credibility at an early stage.


Good branding adds additional company value for investor negotiations.


Partner with for professional Brand & Marketing Power.

Let’s grow together!

Pitch for brand value is based on a services for equity model. In return for a small percentage of your company, we will design all your branding needs to seriously grow together.

How does it work? What do we offer? What do we ask of you? Check out these frequently asked questions.

What do I get?

Brand for Equity. What?

What are your criteria?

What are my advantages?

Is this a one time investment?

Why is this free?


Value: €25.000

& Socials

Value: €20.000


Value: €5.000

Pitch us your idea to
start adding value.

Contact form FM studio

"I have worked with friendmade® studio on two major projects. These guys have a genuine eye for details; dedicated and flexible until the end."

Giovanni ErmitoCEO Nosh Nosh Germany
friendmade® studio
An der Elisabethkirche 6
53113 Bonn, Germany

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