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All brands below are a trademark of friendmade® GmbH,
under the registered friendmade® brand name.

friendmade® Brand

We believe that the ultimate goal for every brand is to establish an authentic and mutually beneficial connection with its customers. Therefore, we assist businesses with our strategic and visual services by exploring and visualizing their brand identity and purpose (1), by expressing their brand character and messages authentically, expressively, and contemporarily (2) and by building a sustainable dialogue with their target audiences (3). KNOW, SHOW, GROW… your contemporary brand.

Brand is truly made,
the moment a company
befriends its customer.

- friendmade® studio

Brand Services

Brand goes far beyond visual identity. It is the sum of your company’s vision, mission, character, and moreover… the way in which those are perceived by your customers. With the right ingredients and strategy we help you mould this perception, so your customers can see you for who you truly are. Under our motto ‘Know yourself, show yourself, grow yourself’, we help you understand your brand, develop your brand and keep your brand contemporary. From brand audit to campaign. From artwork to interior.

Brand Strategy

A strong brand strategy is the foundation of any successful business. Brand strategy gives your business a comprehensive plan that guides how your brand communicates, differentiates, and establishes itself in the market. It’s a roadmap to building a meaningful and lasting connection with your target audience.

Our brand strategy services offer you a strategic advantage by:

1. Clarifying Your Identity: We help you define your brand’s essence, values, and personality, ensuring a clear understanding of who you are as a company.

2. Market Positioning: We analyze your competition and market trends to position your brand uniquely, highlighting your strengths and value proposition.

3. Target Audience Insights: We identify and understand your ideal customers, tailoring your messaging and visuals to resonate with them effectively.

4. Consistency: We ensure consistency in your brand’s voice, visuals, and messaging across all channels, fostering trust and recognition

5. Long-term Growth: A well-crafted brand strategy sets the stage for sustainable growth, customer loyalty, and increased market share.

Brand Identity

A strong and unmistakable verbal and visual identity are two largely important key building blocks of a successful brand. The way we see it, design is never just design. It is a strategic tool; an emotionally charged vehicle for long-term identification.

Well-developed design systems make subsequent brand work easier, both for you as well as for us. Consistency & flexibility are not a contradiction, but a means for evolution. With brand design by friendmade® studio your target group will experience your brand in a vivid, exciting manner at every touchpoint, whether it is on a business card, with a clever app or in your store.

Brand Communication

Every single touch-point is part of your brand story and needs to authentically complement it. delivers all assets needed to build and communicate your story – from brand name and logo to website, app or full-on advertising campaign. With an in-house concept and design team, supported by our international network of professional designers and artists, we specialise in lifestyle brands with a strong focus on contemporary, vivid design.

Brand Management

Consistency is the key to recognition. Building a brand image from the ground up is a delicate process and learning to work with it takes time. Guidelines must be established and followed. The easier it is for all parties involved (employees, suppliers, etc.) to adapt these guidelines and implement them in their day-to-day business, the better. provides smart the tools for your brand management – from online brand guides and brand asset archives, to brand implementation workshops.


The exercise of rebranding is quite similar to a classic brand development process,. Rebranding means identifying and preserving the true values of one’s brand, while rethinking its look and vision, and credibly adapting it to the spirit of time. Rebranding is preserving and reinventing. friendmade® studio accompanies you professionally with all needed brand services in this sensitive and exciting process.

Startup Services

Well done, you! You have the business idea of a lifetime and have decided to go for it! You have gathered your team and together you are ready for the work. Your concept is great. Now… How about some professional assistance on your brand?

Soon you’ll be presenting your company to partners and possibly investors. Did you know investors and partners not only invest in ideas? Ideally they are looking for great ideas wrapped in an awesome brand. Better start building it now.

Especially for startups, offers various services. Let us help you sharpen your investor pitch and start building brand.

Ask us for more information.

"I have worked with friendmade® studio on two major projects. These guys have a genuine eye for details; dedicated and flexible until the end."

Giovanni ErmitoCEO Nosh Nosh Germany
friendmade® studio
An der Elisabethkirche 6
53113 Bonn, Germany

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