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3mth+ internship


Design is your default? Art you second nature? is looking for a graphic design intern, with a distinguished taste for design and eager to learn & grow. In a 3 months minimum internship, we’ll teach you all the Adobe CS hotkeys and you’ll be able to put your design knowledge into practice by working on various contemporary brand projects.

About you

You are a design student and love to combine your creative thinking with customer-focused design. You love working for brands with a contemporary character and love to learn to create timeless designs. You’ve had your first experiences with the Adobe Creative Suite and love designing for both print and digital. You can work independently, and can communicate your ideas as a team player. Problems? Those are just challenges to you!

What we expect from you

  • Minimum 20 years of age
  • Design student
  • Basic Adobe CS knowledge
  • English knowledge is a plus
  • Work independently
  • Positive mindset
  • Ready to grow!

Internship duration & payment

You will be serving a full-time internship of minimum 3 months. Looking for a longer internship of 6-12 months? Even better!

Specific amount of monthly hours and payment will be negotiated between you and friendmade, and – if needed – in coordination with your university.

What you'll learn

You will be working with all Adobe Creative Suite’s applications, such as Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign and will explore and gather knowledge of CANVA, WordPress and Blender.

Depending on your level of expertise, skill set and motivation, you’ll be working on various tasks and with just the right amount of responsibility.

Our clients is working for a large variety of clients from different backgrounds. We serve both national as well as international, and small to large sized companies. Currently we are working for clients in Crypto-Space, Food Manufacturing, Food Delivery, IT, Digitisation, Retail and many more. For these clients we design all assets they need, from logos and websites to full interior designs.

How to apply

Grab your CV, gather some creative projects you worked on so far, and write us a motivational letter.
Upload these files through the form below (pdf/zip – max 50mb).

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Apply now!

Ready to grow? Tell us about yourself. Upload anything to convince us of your skills, including CV and Portfolio.


  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: pdf, zip, Max. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 5.


    "I have worked with friendmade® studio on two major projects. These guys have a genuine eye for details; dedicated and flexible until the end."

    Giovanni ErmitoCEO Nosh Nosh Germany
    friendmade® studio
    An der Elisabethkirche 6
    53113 Bonn, Germany

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