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All brands below are a trademark of friendmade® GmbH,
under the registered friendmade® brand name.

friendmade® studio

friendmade® studio was founded January 2022 by Stijn van der Pol and Oliver Weber. Stijn and Oliver both have over 20 years of experience in developing brands from scratch, and placing them successfully in markets across the EU and beyond. With friendmade® studio they go one step further, connecting brands, art and interior design – building Authentic Contemporary Brands, with solid hearth and fluid spirit.

Strategy & Design.

friendmade® studio is your full service brand strategy and design agency. We make authentic contemporary brand, filled with artistic spirit. From strategical guidance and conceptual brand creation to artful campaign and consistent brand design across all touch points.

Contemporary brand

We do what we love, and love what we do: Building strong, vivid, meaningful brand. And brand… is only partly about you. Brand is the total perception of you, as a result of your behaviour, expressions, actions, non-actions and, moreover, the context you operate in. Your brand therefor is in constant motion. friendmade® studio helps you stay ahead of your brand, by building brands with solid hearth and fluid spirit. Blending the Timeless with the Contemporary.

Brand, Art, Spaces

We make Brand
Balancing between message and perception, on the verge between design and strategy, is where we love to be. That is why we help brands grow to their full potential. Everything we do is about your brand.

We make Art
In our projects, Art always plays an important role. We believe Artists are the ‘feelers’ of society and always one step ahead. Good artists have a clear message. And so do great brands. Connecting these two seemingly different worlds is what we do best.

We make Spaces
Unlike most other brand agencies, has a special focus on designing brand spaces. Next to branding and art, this is what we love doing most. Spaces combine everything we love. Brand, Art and a vivid environment filled with interaction potential.

Full Service Agency operates as a full service brand consultancy and design agency. We offer all the knowledge and tools needed to know, show and grow your brand.

With an in-house concept and design team, supported by our international network of creative professionals and artists, we specialise in lifestyle brands with a focus on design.

From brand strategy workshop and audit to brand development and communication assets such as logo, website, app or full-on advertising campaign.

Oliver Weber & Stijn V/D Pol was founded by Oliver Weber and Stijn van der Pol. Between them Oliver and Stijn share over 20 years of experience in the business. Both being brand specialists, each brings along their own secret sauce and specialty.

Oliver Weber
Between style and strategy, Oliver knows just what your brand needs. With great love for detail and years of experience in working with brands both nationally as well as abroad, Oliver adds the element of creating brand spaces to

Stijn van der Pol
As an all-round concept-thinker and entrepreneur, Stijn is always exploring the boundaries between design and art. Educated as a Visual Marketeer and with years of experience in working for clients mostly within various creative industries, Stijn adds the element of Art to

Part of friendmade® GmbH is part of friendmade® GmbH – connecting businesses and creatives through awesome products and unique services. Because of this partnership we have a direct line to hundreds of creative professionals and artists that we work together with on our brand, art and spaces projects.

Let’s talk

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We build brands. Authentic, vivid, contemporary brands – ready to inspire and open to be inspired.

Brand Services


Express and convey your brand message with art! connects
like-minded brands and artists.

Art Services


We love spaces. Space is where things happen. Where people meet, minds interact and brand flourishes.

Interior Service

"I have worked with friendmade® studio on two major projects. These guys have a genuine eye for details; dedicated and flexible until the end."

Giovanni ErmitoCEO Nosh Nosh Germany
friendmade® studio
An der Elisabethkirche 6
53113 Bonn, Germany

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