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Alle unten aufgeführten Marken sind ein Trademark der friendmade® GmbH, unter dem eingetragenen Markennamen friendmade®.


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Kontaktiere uns per Telefon.
Stijn: +49 1609 508 4897
Oliver: +49 171 621 2000


Besuche unser Studio:
An der Elisabethkirche 6,
53113 Bonn, Deutschland

Bevor du fragst.

Friendmade® bringt Artists und Creatives mit Unternehmen und Brands zusammen. Wir schaffen einzigartige Partnerschaften, die zu außergewöhnlichen Produkten und Dienstleistungen führen. Entdecke, was friendmade® für dich tun kann oder finde heraus, welche Rolle du in unserem Ökosystem spielen kannst.

Unsere Dienstleistungen

friendmade® studio delivers all assets needed to build and communicate your visual and conceptual brand identity and marketing. From brand name and logo to website, app or full-on advertising campaign.

With an in-house concept and design team, supported by our international network of creative professionals and artists, we specialise in lifestyle brands with a focus on design.

Browse our website to discover what we do, or contact us to learn more.

friendmade X Start-ups

As a company, we aim for long-term relationships, and we believe in working with motivated partners with great ideas. That’s why we love working with startups.

As any good brand is build up from its roots, there is no better time to start a collaboration than right at the beginning. Let us help you build the foundation for your brand. We’ll help you find your unique selling point and capture your product’s essence in a visual language.

Contact us:

Mitmachen als Artist

Are you an illustrator, photographer, designer or otherwise creating art? Join our artist network. Get connected as a partner, or join as a friend while selling your art on awesome products at Show us some of your best work. We’ll get in touch!

Introduce yourself to us.

Hersteller / Partner werden

Do you create awesome products or deliver a great service? Think you are a match with friendmade®? Can you offer on-demand high quality production? Are you looking for art to spice up your product?

Search no more ;-). Get in contact with and let’s discuss partnering possibilities. Let’s make beautiful products and brands together.

Contact us:

Jobs & Praktika

Social media genius? Text specialist? Graphic Design junky? Developer wizz-kid? Eager to learn?  We love working with enthusiastic young minds.

Think your qualities can give friendmade® a boost?Send us your open application.
* Minimum internship duration: 3 months
* Minimum age: 20 yrs.

Simply write an email with your portfolio and motivation to


Kontaktformular fm® Studio

"Ich habe mit friendmade studio an zwei großen Projekten gearbeitet. Die Jungs haben ein echtes Auge für Details, sind engagiert und flexibel bis zum Schluss"

Matthew PyePhilosophy Teacher & Author of
'Plato Tackles Climate Change'
friendmade® Studio
An der Elisabethkirche 6
53113 Bonn, Germany

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